Monday, March 21, 2022

Deuteronomy 27 , Bible Reading and Daily Devotionals

Max Lucado Daily: A Soul Sealed by God - March 21, 2022

As a parent, when our children stumble, we don’t disown them. We may punish or reprimand, but cast them out of the family? We cannot. They are biologically connected to us. Those born with our DNA will die with it.

God, our Father, engenders the same relationship with us. Upon salvation we become, as John 1:12 says, “children of God.” He alters our lineage, redefines our spiritual parenthood, and in doing so, secures our salvation. Paul says, “Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 1:13). And a soul sealed by God is safe. God paid too high a price to leave us unguarded. Again a reminder from Paul in Ephesians 4:30: “He has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.” What a difference this assurance makes!

Deuteronomy 27

Moses commanded the leaders of Israel and charged the people: Keep every commandment that I command you today. On the day you cross the Jordan into the land that God, your God, is giving you, erect large stones and coat them with plaster. As soon as you cross over the river, write on the stones all the words of this Revelation so that you’ll enter the land that God, your God, is giving you, that land flowing with milk and honey that God, the God-of-Your-Fathers, promised you.

4-7 So when you’ve crossed the Jordan, erect these stones on Mount Ebal. Then coat them with plaster. Build an Altar of stones for God, your God, there on the mountain. Don’t use an iron tool on the stones; build the Altar to God, your God, with uncut stones and offer your Whole-Burnt-Offerings on it to God, your God. When you sacrifice your Peace-Offerings you will also eat them there, rejoicing in the Presence of God, your God.

8 Write all the words of this Revelation on the stones. Incise them sharply.

9-10 Moses and the Levitical priests addressed all Israel: Quiet. Listen obediently, Israel. This very day you have become the people of God, your God. Listen to the Voice of God, your God. Keep his commandments and regulations that I’m commanding you today.

11-13 That day Moses commanded: After you’ve crossed the Jordan, these tribes will stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people: Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin. And these will stand on Mount Ebal for the curse: Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.

14-26 The Levites, acting as spokesmen and speaking loudly, will address Israel:

God’s curse on anyone who carves or casts a god-image—an abomination to God made by a craftsman—and sets it up in secret.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who demeans a parent.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who moves his neighbor’s boundary marker.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who misdirects a blind man on the road.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who interferes with justice due the foreigner, orphan, or widow.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who has sex with his father’s wife; he has violated the woman who belongs to his father.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who has sex with an animal.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who has sex with his sister, the daughter of his father or mother.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who has sex with his mother-in-law.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who kills his neighbor in secret.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on anyone who takes a bribe to kill an innocent person.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

God’s curse on whoever does not give substance to the words of this Revelation by living them.

    All respond: Yes. Absolutely.

* * *

Our Daily Bread reading and devotion   
Monday, March 21, 2022

Today's Scripture
Exodus 39:1–7

From the blue, purple and scarlet yarni they made woven garments for ministering in the sanctuary.j They also made sacred garmentsk for Aaron, as the Lord commanded Moses.

The Ephod

39:2–7pp—Ex 28:6–14

2 Theya made the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen. 3 They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen—the work of skilled hands. 4 They made shoulder pieces for the ephod, which were attached to two of its corners, so it could be fastened. 5 Its skillfully woven waistband was like it—of one piece with the ephod and made with gold, and with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and with finely twisted linen, as the Lord commanded Moses.

6 They mounted the onyx stones in gold filigree settings and engraved them like a seal with the names of the sons of Israel. 7 Then they fastened them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memoriall stones for the sons of Israel, as the Lord commanded Moses.


God had specifically gifted Bezalel and Oholiab (Exodus 31:1–11) with the ability to create all the marvelous artifacts and clothing to be used in Israel’s prescribed system of worship. But the entire nation had the opportunity to contribute. Exodus tells us that Moses asked the people to provide both the materials and their talents to the effort (35:4–19). Moses said, “All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded” (v. 10). But Moses’ instructions came with this caveat: “Everyone who is willing . . .” (v. 5). Participation in the national effort to construct the tabernacle for God wasn’t compulsory, yet it did come with a blessing: “Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them” (39:43).

By: Tim Gustafson

Lost to the Past

Everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work.
Exodus 35:21

Upset with the corruption and extravagance plaguing his kingdom, Korea’s King Yeongjo (1694–1776) decided to change things. In a classic case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, he banned the traditional art of gold-thread embroidery as excessively opulent. Soon, knowledge of that intricate process vanished into the past.

In 2011, Professor Sim Yeon-ok wanted to reclaim that long-lost tradition. Surmising that gold leaf had been glued onto mulberry paper and then hand-cut into slender strands, she was able to recreate the process, reviving an ancient art form.

In the book of Exodus, we learn of the extravagant measures employed to construct the tabernacle—including gold thread to make Aaron’s priestly garments. Skilled craftsmen “hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen” (Exodus 39:3). What happened to all that exquisite craftsmanship? Did the garments simply wear out? Were they eventually carried off as plunder? Was it all in vain? Not at all! Every aspect of the effort was done because God had given specific instructions to do it.  

God has given each of us something to do as well. It may be a simple act of kindness—something to give back to Him as we serve each other. We need not concern ourselves with what will happen to our efforts in the end (1 Corinthians 15:58). Any task done for our Father becomes a thread extending into eternity.

By:  Tim Gustafson

Reflect & Pray

What are the various things God has given you to do over the course of your lifetime? How might it change your outlook to view even your most mundane tasks today as being done for Him?

Heavenly Father, help me choose to serve You today with everything I do.

My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers
Monday, March 21, 2022

Identified or Simply Interested?

I have been crucified with Christ… —Galatians 2:20

The inescapable spiritual need each of us has is the need to sign the death certificate of our sin nature. I must take my emotional opinions and intellectual beliefs and be willing to turn them into a moral verdict against the nature of sin; that is, against any claim I have to my right to myself. Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ….” He did not say, “I have made a determination to imitate Jesus Christ,” or, “I will really make an effort to follow Him” —but— “I have been identified with Him in His death.” Once I reach this moral decision and act on it, all that Christ accomplished for me on the Cross is accomplished in me. My unrestrained commitment of myself to God gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to grant to me the holiness of Jesus Christ.

“…it is no longer I who live….” My individuality remains, but my primary motivation for living and the nature that rules me are radically changed. I have the same human body, but the old satanic right to myself has been destroyed.

“…and the life which I now live in the flesh,” not the life which I long to live or even pray that I live, but the life I now live in my mortal flesh— the life which others can see, “I live by faith in the Son of God….” This faith was not Paul’s own faith in Jesus Christ, but the faith the Son of God had given to him (see Ephesians 2:8). It is no longer a faith in faith, but a faith that transcends all imaginable limits— a faith that comes only from the Son of God.

Wisdom From Oswald Chambers

No one could have had a more sensitive love in human relationship than Jesus; and yet He says there are times when love to father and mother must be hatred in comparison to our love for Him.   So Send I You, 1301 L

Bible in a Year: Joshua 7-9; Luke 1:21-38

A Word with You, by Ron Hutchcraft
Monday, March 21, 2022

Who Validates Your Ticket? - #9181

Our friends were expecting their baby in about six weeks. But the baby didn't get the message. No. They had flown in from Denver to attend a convention in Chicago and we were all at the same convention. Since I was living in Chicago at the time, I said, "Hey, baby happens, call me. I'll get you to the hospital in plenty of time. It's my city. You don't have anything to worry about." We were all laughing. I wasn't laughing at 6:00 A.M. the next morning when I got a phone call in my hotel room saying, "She's in labor!" Of course, I'm going crazy. I've got to get them to the hospital.

I ran down to the garage after throwing on some clothes, and in the parking garage there at the hotel I said, "Lady, I need my car. Bring up my car." And she said, "You must have your ticket validated." I said, "Lady, there's somebody about to have a baby! I don't have time to go up and get my ticket and go to the desk and have my parking ticket validated." She said, "You must have your ticket validated." I said, "Ma'am, there is going to be a lady having a baby right here in the parking garage." She said, "I'm sorry. You must have your ticket validated."

Well, the good news is we finally did get to the hospital and even though there was quite an adventure just getting there, the baby was fine. But no thanks to the parking lot lady. No. Now, that situation isn't usually that dramatic in a parking lot, but the rules are pretty consistent. You are not going anywhere until you get your ticket validated.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Who Validates Your Ticket?"

Our word for today from the Word of God; Galatians 3:26. "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek" - in other words racial identities aren't really the issue - "slave nor free" - okay, it's not your class identity that really matters - "male nor female" - gender isn't really the basis of your identity - "for you are all one in Christ Jesus." He said, "you've been clothed with Christ." There's only one thing that matters, "I belong to Jesus Christ." There's only one solid basis for identity and security - who I am in Christ.

For most people, their validation comes from someone else. We spend a lot of time and effort trying to get other people to punch our ticket; to make us feel good about ourselves. The problem is that no one on earth can give you a secure identity. Is your validation like your company? If the company says you're okay, is that it? If you have a husband or wife, do you think you're okay? A friend of yours, all the people we try to get approval from. Well, you can be on your first step to freedom if you understand that the source of our identity is the One who gave you your life in the first place.

Ephesians 2:10 says Jesus gave you your worth before you were born. "You are" it says, "God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for you to do." See, you are created by God, you're purchased by God when He died on the cross to pay for your sins. You're loved by God. He's prepared works for you that only you can do. That's all you need to know. What can anybody else give you to add to that worth?

See, you got your worth the day you were born. No one on earth gave you your worth, and no one on earth can take it away. So any validation you get from someone on earth is a bonus, because all earth approval is written in pencil. God's OK is stamped on your life in indelible ink. It all starts the day you ask Him to remove from your heart and your life and His record the sin of a lifetime. How can you even ask Him to do that? Because Jesus died for it. He walked out of His grave. He's alive today. And when you give yourself to Him, you are home in the identity and the security and the love that you were made for and you can't lose.

If you've never begun that relationship, would you tell Him today, "Jesus, I'm yours." Join me at our website You'll find out all you need to know about belonging to Him. You won't need to have your identity validated in so many other ways. Not if you have the OK of Jesus. He's all you need.

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